The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Magic Carpet Books Patricia A McKillip Books

The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Magic Carpet Books Patricia A McKillip Books
Despite it being published over 30 years ago, I just read this sophisticated and compelling novel for the first time. It’s a coming of age story centered on an isolated heroine, Sybel, with tremendous but untested power, and while it is marketed as YA, it really is a novel that adults can enjoy and, dare I say, appreciate even more than teens.Thematically, the novel explores how and why one so powerful (and even ones not so powerful) could be used and abused to further the machinations of man. It also does not shy away from pointing out how even the best of intentions can be interpreted as abusive and does not back down from portraying a heroine capable of the very real human failing of holding others to a double standard.
Against a really simple but beautiful metaphor, Sybel ultimately learns that one cannot merely survive one’s fears by staring them in the face, but also must accept them as part of herself. It’s also some of the best feminist fiction I’ve read in recent years and deals considerably (though not overtly) with the role of consent and choice as well as puts forth thoughtful ideas about captivity and free will.
Anyway, it was a terrific read and if you like lyrical, nuanced prose that is complicated and poignant despite its simplicity and dialogue that is by turns delicate and unsentimental, romantic but fierce, ambiguous and direct, then this is highly recommended.

Tags : The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (Magic Carpet Books) (9780152055363): Patricia A. McKillip: Books,Patricia A. McKillip,The Forgotten Beasts of Eld (Magic Carpet Books),Magic Carpet Books,0152055363,Fantasy - General,Fantasy,Fantasy.,Wizards,Wizards;Fiction.,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Family & home stories (Children's Teenage),Family - Orphans & Foster Homes,Fantasy & Magic,Fiction,Fiction-Fantasy,JUVENILE,Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Action & Adventure General,Juvenile Fiction Family Orphans & Foster Homes,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction Love & Romance,Juvenile Fiction : Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Fiction : Love & Romance,Juvenile FictionAction & Adventure - General,Juvenile FictionFantasy & Magic,Juvenile FictionLove & Romance,Juvenile FictionSocial Themes - Emotions & Feelings,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,Love & Romance,United States,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General,Young Adult Fiction
The Forgotten Beasts of Eld Magic Carpet Books Patricia A McKillip Books Reviews
Unlike most fantasies, in the best possible way! Lyrical, moving, patient and lovely in its imagery, it explores the inner landscape more than any outer one.
If you don't mind rather slow-moving stories, you're likely to enjoy this.
The foreword says that the book is about the nature of power and while that is true, I think it speaks about fear and love, and the way each can interfere with and change one to the other.
Regardless, it's well worth reading. For me at least, probably over and over!
Patricia A McKillip is an amazing author who writes lyrical prose which bewitches you and draws you into her captivating stories.
I read this book years ago and waited anxiously for it to be available on Ebook. This is a special favorite of mine with its beautiful, magical beasts and I enjoyed it far more this time. I will definitely be reading it again.
I read this book back when I was a kid. I searched high and low for the title. After finally receiving a copy and reading again for the first time in 25 years, it was like reading it again as a kid. The writing was just as I remembered it. The storyline is well developed and the characters have depth to them. Once again, I had trouble putting the book down.
Sybel is the daughter and granddaughter of wizards, and a wizard herself, continuing the family tradition of collecting strange and magical animals. She has not mixed with her neighbors much, or at all, and has no children.
Then a local, lesser lord, Coren, arrives at her gate carrying a baby boy. The baby is Tamlorn, the son of her mother's younger sister, and also of King Drede.
But Drede believes,with some reason it must be said, that Tamlorn is in fact the son of one of Coren's older brother, Norrell. Norrell and Rhianna are dead, killed by Drede. Coren asks her to love, protect, and raise Tamlorn.
Twelve years later, Coren comes back, wanting to take Tamlorn away, to help Coren's family overthrow Drede, take revenge for Norrell's death, and place Tamlorn on the throne. Tamlorn doesn't want to go, and Sybel sends Coren away.
But this makes Tamlorn curious about his father. When Drede arrives, having discovered that Tamlorn really is his son, and Rhianna and Norrell never had the chance to be alone together, Tamlorn wants to meet him. Ultimately, he decides he wants to go with Drede.
This is the point from which Sybel's life truly becomes complicated.
Up to this point, she has more or less replicated the lives of her father and grandfather, living in her tower, collecting and caring for her magical animals, studying magic. And raising one child. This is a point of some difference, in that Tamlorn is not a wizardling, and Sybel sought the help of a local witch woman, Maelga, which her father and grandfather never had, and they become, in effect, a family of three, rather than a family of two.
But now Tamlorn is gone to become Drede's heir.
And Coren and his brothers still want their revenge.
They have a plan. Drede also has a plan, based on his fear of having such a powerful wizard close by, and with an interest in his heir. And Sybel is determined not to be used.
When Drede pays another wizard, Mithrin, to eliminate the danger he sees in Sybel, while enabling him to keep her as his meek, contented, but still magically powerful wife, he unleashes something that will disrupt all their lives, as Sybel becomes a third party seeking revenge.
In many ways I'm describing the wrong things about this book. Sybel, Coren, Tamlorn, Maelga, and even Drede are all multilayered and interesting characters. Sybel's magical animals are not just living trophies, but powerful, opinionated, and often wise. The language is beautiful and rich, but never so ornate as to be a distraction. And the three major contenders here, Sybel, Coren, and Drede, all need to confront their fears in the most literal and terrifying way possible, if they are to survive and achieve their goals.
This is a wonderful book, and it's a joy to reread it after many years.
I bought this audiobook.
Patricia A. McKillip is one of the best fantasy writers out there. If you haven't read this book or her Riddlemaster of Hed trilogy, you're missing out. Just brilliant lyrical writing, complex plots, so much emotion that you'll feel you've been mangled and wrung out by the time you finish. The only other authors that can wrench you this emotionally are Connie Willis and Brandon Sanderson. Absolutely brilliant and I recommend this book for anyone who loves fantasy, romance, or simply brilliant writing.
This is one of those rare books that I read a second time, decades after the first encounter, and found I enjoyed it more now. Usually the glamour of books I read, when I was young, has dimmed somewhat with time and greater life experience. The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is just the opposite. When I read it in my youth, I had a tepid response. Yet something drew me to try it again, recently, and I'm so glad I did! The story completely gripped me, (once I got past the slow start), and I found sections of it to be so powerful they gave me chills. Now I understand why The Forgotten Beasts of Eld is considered a fantasy classic. I'm not sure how I missed that, the first time around.
Despite it being published over 30 years ago, I just read this sophisticated and compelling novel for the first time. It’s a coming of age story centered on an isolated heroine, Sybel, with tremendous but untested power, and while it is marketed as YA, it really is a novel that adults can enjoy and, dare I say, appreciate even more than teens.
Thematically, the novel explores how and why one so powerful (and even ones not so powerful) could be used and abused to further the machinations of man. It also does not shy away from pointing out how even the best of intentions can be interpreted as abusive and does not back down from portraying a heroine capable of the very real human failing of holding others to a double standard.
Against a really simple but beautiful metaphor, Sybel ultimately learns that one cannot merely survive one’s fears by staring them in the face, but also must accept them as part of herself. It’s also some of the best feminist fiction I’ve read in recent years and deals considerably (though not overtly) with the role of consent and choice as well as puts forth thoughtful ideas about captivity and free will.
Anyway, it was a terrific read and if you like lyrical, nuanced prose that is complicated and poignant despite its simplicity and dialogue that is by turns delicate and unsentimental, romantic but fierce, ambiguous and direct, then this is highly recommended.

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